Dawn is an ongoing research exploring one’s identity through the sense of locations and time between cities.
Anchored in my hometown of Hong Kong, this project establishes a prototype for conducting artistic research by exploring multiple connections between different cities, which reveals the diverse dimensions of understanding a place. The project questions the displacement, and hybridity between cultures and site over time. The ultimate goal is to give voice to the outsiders and create a space for mutual connection.
Aug 2022, Vienna, Austria
Oct 2022, Taiwan/ Hong Kong
May 2023, Kortrijk
Jan 2024, Hong Kong
Mar 2024, Taipei
Jul 2024, Ticino
DAWN 1.0, is a quest to the word “home” through the personal relations between travelling and home cities.
Dawn 2.0 together with a local artist as a doppelganger, is an exploration to a shared question between Hong Kong young generation: “What if I stay/ move?”
Dawn 3.0 is an artistic research residency in Arts centre BUDA. With the deep-mapping method, the research further draws a parallel relationship between motherhood and cities. The presentation is named: "a City, a Girl, a House"
Alysa Leung在比利時Kortrijk 駐地計畫期間創作的作品,以deep-mapping方法,探索身體、城市和家之間的關係。 今次回到 712, 她將分享以當地作靈感(city-specific)創作的現場表演,和舞蹈影像 (Dance Film);同時探索工作室作為展演載體的可能。
香港藝術家梁海頤以展演打開對話,共同想像歐亞駐村藝術。這次Open Studio,她會由示範駐地創作片段開始,並結合這一個月在「相信世代 University Cafe」的駐村經歷,分享「駐村」的意義和想像。
“Ricorda dove il core e” (Remember where the heart is) is a performative community sharing presented in TICINO IN DANCZA, developed from the cross-generation input from Stabio and the cross-cultural backgrounds of the artists.